Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Approved non-commercial uses includes web site or blog posts that are relevant to (Shooting Outside Gallery), its artists, photographers, other website managers, owners or their works or mission, if and only if proper visible credit to the image owner is clearly displayed. Contact information for each artist can be found within the post. If you do not see Contact information, you would need to Contact Me first. See above.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Copyright Terms of any and all of my images
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Privacy Policy
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
About Me OutsideShooter - Email Me
RCPhotos AT q DOT com com
If you have a question about any of the articles, just post a comment. I'll do my best to answer or I'll attempt to link you to a site which addresses your question. If you'd like to email outside of my blog, you'll need to send in a comment. But do not type it in as usual, rather type it like this:
billybob AT- ruralcities DOT- com . This way you'll help to prevent spammers from accessing your email address.
Outside of that it is my goal to learn from teaching. I have read countless articles about photography, spend much time within photography forums, subscribe to paid newsletters about photography and am an active photographer and sell Prints from Greeting Cards sizes up to Fine Art large prints as well. However until I retire in 3 years I am still working a full time job too. So my ability to run this blog will increasingly get more involved as time goes by.
What I would ask of you is that you share what you can within the confines of the articles I present here. And if there is anything you'd like to see here, just ask. If I can access the material I'll bring it in, usually with a link to more info.
Subjects will range from hardware to software, reviews to contests, tutorials to special offers. If you see any sponsors here which can answer any of your questions, just click to see what they can provide.
Thanks for visiting and if you can link my blog to anyone whom you think may enjoy reading this, so much the better. Just make sure you credit my blog 'Shooting Outside' with a link from the url bar at the top of the page. As you'll notice I have all the social icons you will need to add to your site beneath my articles and at the top right.
RCPhotos AT q DOT com
I've had to rearrange my e-address above to prevent spam. Sorry for the extra step.